Young Vic Production Information for the JMK Award
The Clare is equipped with a flown truss (see plans).
The floor is black hardboard which can be painted (at cost to the production), and must be repainted black after the production (again at cost to the production).
The walls are covered with unpainted ply wood. If you wish to change the finish they must first be clad with hardboard or similar (at cost to the production).
A set of black wool serge drapes for the Clare may be borrowed from the Young Vic subject to availability.
The Clare Theatre is an open flexible space that has no fixed seating; as a consequence everything that is put in there, from installing seating to lighting and set, needs to be considered in the production’s budget. You should aim to design for a capacity of 60; the seating configuration must meet the regulations and guidelines as set down in the ABTT technical standards of entertainment (the yellow book).
Standard seating options are Young Vic bench seating or, subject to availability, black plastic bucket seats with black leatherette pads.
All designs and materials used must be approved by the Young Vic and comply with all current legislation and guidelines and set down in the ABTT technical standards of entertainment (the yellow book).
See attached plan: YV Clare Studio JMK, 1:50 @A2