#JMKSpace: Disability and directing: Building access into your directing
process with Debbie Hannan and Matilda Ibini
This workshop will be recorded, BSL interpreted and captioned on zoom.
Lockdown has made many theatre makers face the challenge of access for the first time. As we start to think about what a return to the rehearsal room might look like post-COVID, never has the pressing question of how we make work together been of more urgency.
Join writer Matilda Ibini and director Debbie Hannan for a skills-sharing session to equip your process with the tools you need to begin your own creative journey into fully accessible work: from the design stage through to final performance.
This is an ideal workshop for d/Deaf, disabled and non-disabled theatre workers alike. No matter your level of experience, this workshop will give you space not only to interrogate access through pre-rehearsal to performance, but also to consider what each one of us truly needs throughout that process.
This #JMKSpace event is open to all. It takes the place of our directors’ groups normally hosted by Bristol Old Vic and the Tobacco Factory.
60 spaces are available.
The workshop will take place 7.00 – 9.00 p.m on Thursday 24th September on Zoom.
To reserve your free place, and receive a Zoom invitation, please email – jo@jmktrust.org.
The workshop will be recorded, BSL interpreted and captioned on zoom. If you have any further access requirements, need technical support or have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact jo@jmktrust.org.
Workshop leaders Matilda and Debbie worked together last year to create the first production of Matilda’s play, Little Miss Burden.
Throughout that process, they interrogated how the ‘accepted’directing process might be adapted better to suit the differing access needs of its creative team and cast. What they learned comprises an essential, creative and thoughtful call to arms that doesn’t just allow
more space for disabled creatives and performers, but more essentially challenges ‘the way we do things’.
7.00 – 9.00 p.m on Thursday 24th September
#JMKSpace on Zoom